

ACI Forex Finland ry järjestää ja tukee jäsentensä ammattitaitoa kohottavaa koulutusta. Yhdistyksen jokaisen jäsenen on suositeltavaa suorittaa ACI Dealing Certificate ja ACI Diploma -tutkinnot. Niihin valmistavia kursseja, kuten myös ACI Dealing Simulation -kursseja järjestetään yhteistyössä ACI Denmarkin kanssa.

ACI Dealing Certificate

The ACI Dealing Certificate is a foundation programme providing the basic knowledge and skills required to understand the Foreign Exchange and Money Markets and Codes of Conduct today. As such, it emphasises the skills required for participation in the market, including an understanding of the products, their interrelationships, and the ability to use and manipulate the fundamental mathematics used in the markets. The course is designed for the following groups:

  • New entrants to the dealing room
  • Middle office and operations personnel
  • Ancillary specialists selling in to the industry
  • Auditors and compliance officers.

ACI Diploma

The ACI Diploma is Level Two of ACI’s examination suite. Candidates should note that in order to be eligible to take the ACI Diploma examination they must pre-qualify by passing the ACI Dealing Certificate. Individuals achieving a pass in the ACI Diploma will:

  • Have a sound working knowledge of foreign exchange and money market products.
  • Be familiar with a broad range of capital markets and derivative products, including pricing, hedging and trading practices.
  • Have an introduction to risk management, control and regulatory issues pertinent to the dealing room environment.


ACIFMA tutkintojen testeihin osallistuminen on mahdollista järjestön kansainvälisten sivujen koulutuskeskuksen kautta sähköisesti tai suoralla yhteydenotolla ACIFMA koulutuskeskukseen:

1) Go to www.acifma.com

2) Click on Read more under Education

3) By clicking on Register your place – delegates can request an exam booking date and certificate type. They will then be personally contacted to arrange this booking and all confirmations and invoicing will be taken care of.

Testeihin valmentava koulutus tapahtuu kolmansien osapuolien järjestämänä (esim. ACI Forex Denmark). Koulutus tapahtuu joko itseopiskeluna ja/tai kurssimuotoisena. Jäsen ilmoittautuu/tilaa koulutusmateriaalin itse ja ilmoittaa koulutusvastaavalle osallistumisestaan kurssille. ACI Forex Finland hyvittää puolet kurssimaksusta jälkihyvityksenä edellyttäen että tiedot osallistumisesta on toimitettu koulutusvastaavalle.

ACI Forex Denmark / Finance Trainer Gmbh:n järjestämien kurssien yhteydessä suoritettava harjoitustesti ei ole virallinen ACIFMA testi vaan virallinen testi on tehtävä erikseen edellä mainitusti ACIFMA koulutuskeskuksen kautta.

ACI Educational Videos

ACI FMA has been working continuously on adding new content and functionalities to the various communication platforms available, intending to benefit its members, and attract new affiliates and market participants. We believe that these new videos will close the existing gap and facilitate the dissemination of our Education program, its related products, and services.

These videos, now available to all National Associations, present a detailed explanation of the ACI FMA Education program and its global advantages. In the videos, viewers can find the educational products and services that the ACI FMA has to offer, namely:

  • The ACI Dealing Certificate New Version exam;
  • The ACI Operations Certificate New Version exam;
  • The ACI Diploma New Version exam;
  • The ACI Online FX Global Code exam;
  • The ELAC Portal, for ongoing training and certification;
  • Our Workshops, Webinars and Accredited Trainers.

The videos are accessible and can be viewed on our ACI FMA YouTube channel:

Please feel free to subscribe to the channel, copy the video links and upload them on your website. The global use of these videos will bring greater visibility to the Association’s community and ACI FMA believes it will be of international utility.

Muu koulutus

ACI Forex Finland tiedottaa jäsenistölleen ajankohtaisesta tarjolla olevasta koulutuksesta.